Congratulations to the Kosaka Best Abstract Award Winners!
Nine researchers presented their cutting-edge research during the Kosaka Best Abstract Award Session on May 16 at the IARS 2021 Annual Meeting. Their top research was selected from over 600 abstracts submitted to the meeting. All presented their findings orally during the session with a Q&A following each, moderated by judges Seun Johnson-Akeju, MD, Vivianne Tawfik, MD, PhD, Max Kelz, MD, PhD, and Y.S. Prakash, MD, PhD.
On behalf of the Japan Society for Clinical Anesthesia (JSCA) and the International Anesthesia Research Society (IARS), we are happy to announce the Kosaka Best Abstract awardees. Each awardee will receive a $500 prize.

Basic Science Research Award Winner
Leveraging TRPV1 genetic divergence between avian and mammalian species to develop a TRPV1K710N knock-in mouse and a novel analgesic
Shufang He, PhD, The Second Hospital of Anhui Medical University; Stanford University, Hefei, China

Clinical Research Award Winner
Whole-brain network connectivity changes with midazolam sedation during task performance and periodic pain: A functional MRI study in healthy young adults
Keith M. Vogt, MD, PhD, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA

Scholars Presentation Award Winner
Modulation of Microvascular Blood Flow And Stroke Outcome Via GPR39 in Mice
Yifan Xu, MD, PhD, Oregon Health and Sciences University, Portland, OR
Learn more about their research and view their ePosters here.
International Anesthesia Research Society