IARS Physician Executive Dr. Santhanam Suresh to Receive ASA’s Excellence in Education Award
JUNE 27, 2023
Santhanam Suresh

Santhanam Suresh,

IARS Physician Executive Dr. Santhanam Suresh was selected to receive the 2023 American Society of Anesthesiologists’ (ASA) Excellence in Education Award. The Excellence in Education Award recognizes ASA members who have made outstanding contributions through demonstrated teaching, the development of new teaching methods, and/or implementation of innovative educational programs in anesthesiology. A dedicated educator and champion for the anesthesiology specialty, Dr. Suresh has been invited to accept the award at Anesthesiology 2023 in San Francisco this October.

His substantial service to ASA and the specialty is multi-faceted. A past chair of the Annual Meeting Oversight Committee for the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Dr. Suresh also contributes to multiple anesthesiology organizations. He served as an IARS Trustee for 12 years, on the Education Committee for the Society for Pediatric Anesthesia; as oral board examiner, Board member, and former president of the American Board of Anesthesiology; on the committees on Regional Anesthesia and the Scientific and Educational Exhibits and as former member of the ACGME Residency Review Committee for Anesthesiology. From 2011-2015, he was also a member of the ASRA Pain Medicine Board of Directors and later received the ASRA Distinguished Service Award in 2016.

Santhanam Suresh

Santhanam Suresh,

Optimizing pain management in a variety of clinical contexts has long been the focus of much of Dr. Suresh’s research and clinical practice throughout his career. He has been instrumental in developing research that has transformed pain management in children worldwide, specifically for his innovations in the use of nerve blocks for perioperative pain control in infants, children and adolescents. During the last two decades, his research has led to innovations in the areas of diagnosis and management of chronic pain in children, publishing the results in high impact anesthesiology and pain management journals. His previous experience also includes work in acute and chronic pediatric pain management, regional anesthesia safety and efficacy, neurotoxicity, as well as pharmacokinetic studies.

His list of service to the specialty is lengthy and continually growing. IARS is pleased to congratulate Dr. Suresh on this award and recognition of his educational contributions to the specialty.