The International Anesthesia Research Society (IARS) is delighted to announce the appointment of Jaideep J. Pandit, Professor of Anaesthesia, University of Oxford, as the next Editor-in-Chief of Anesthesia & Analgesia (A&A) and its companion journal, A&A Practice. A&A is the longest running anesthesia publication in the world, in its 101st year of publication. Professor Pandit becomes the 8th Editor-in-Chief, succeeding current Editor-in-Chief Jean-Francois Pittet. He is the first A&A Editor-in-Chief based outside the United States to lead this prestigious journal. Jaideep is a Fellow of St John’s College, Oxford and Consultant Anaesthetist at Oxford University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, where he serves as Clinical Director of Operating Theatres.

Professor Jaideep J. Pandit
A&A’s Eighth Editor-in-Chief
Dr Santhanam Suresh, Chair of the IARS Board of Trustees and Arthur C. King Professor in Anesthesiology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, said, “We are delighted to recruit someone of Professor Pandit’s caliber as the next A&A Editor-in-Chief. The IARS Board was impressed with Jaideep’s breadth of experience in clinical and basic science, and his decade-plus service as Editor, including Senior Editor, of the UK journal, Anaesthesia. We are very excited by his strategic vision for the next phase in our journals’ long history, especially in promoting our aim of global reach.” Dr. Suresh continued, “The Board recognizes the many contributions that Jean-Francois has made to our journals and appreciates his leaving the journals in a strong position for the future. We look forward to Jaideep further developing and strengthening our relationships with authors and readers and broadening our international engagement.”
Professor Pandit said, “I am honoured to have been selected by the IARS Board to lead what has been long known to be the pre-eminent journal in the specialty. A&A is possibly unique in the breadth of its scope, encompassing both clinical practice and basic science as relevant to anesthesia across all the subspecialties. The affiliation of so many key societies with an international reach also makes the role an excitingly strategic one. A&A is supported by a fantastic editorial team and an enthusiastic Board within the IARS. I feel particularly privileged to be succeeding such distinguished predecessors in the role. Dr. Jean-Francois Pittet has been as ever charming and helpful before and during the transition and I am sure to call upon his wise counsel in the months and years to come. I was honored to co-publish with his predecessor, Dr. Steven Shafer and I will be committed as my priority to promoting the journal, as they did, to ensure it strengthens its position as the world leader in disseminating anesthesia clinical practice and science. I invite all colleagues in the specialty, as authors, to join us in this mission and submit their valued work to us.”
Professor Pandit brings a wealth of experience to his new role as A&A Editor-in-Chief, ranging from respiratory physiology and pharmacology, to clinical difficult airway management, neuroscience of accidental awareness, vascular anesthesia and statistics, amongst other themes in which he has published many highly-cited articles. He is a recognized authority in operating room management and health economics, and we were particularly impressed with how he has obtained the necessary formal training for his clinical director leadership roles, through a prize-winning second doctorate in operations management and MBA training. His track record of national leadership includes serving on the Council of the Royal College of Anaesthetists where he chaired the national Safe Anaesthesia Liaison Group for over 6 years, publishing key national and international safety guidelines, and led the UK’s 5th National Audit Project on Accidental Awareness, which resulted in important practice changes to reduce this much feared potential complication of anesthesia.
Professor Andrew Farmery, Head of the NDA at the University of Oxford, said, “This is a significant achievement, not just for Jaideep and for Oxford, but for UK clinical science as a whole. That a British, Oxford-trained and practising anaesthetist should be appointed to this important international leadership position in the specialty speaks volumes for what UK science can accomplish when at its best, and should serve as an inspiration for others as they broaden their horizons and aspirations. We know Jaideep has not only the skills but the commitment, energy and drive to deliver success for the journal in this challenging role.”
Professor David Paterson, Head of the Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics, University of Oxford said, “For over 30 years since he undertook his first doctorate under supervision of Professor Peter Robbins in respiratory physiology, Professor Pandit’s collaborative research has been based within the department, and he continues to investigate with Associate Professor Keith Buckler and others the anaesthetic effects on oxygen sensing. The department congratulates Jaideep, and is delighted and proud with the association. We offer our support to the journal as Jaideep assumes its leadership.”
Professor Pandit will assume responsibilities of Editor-in-Chief after a transition period commencing April 1, 2023.
About the IARS
The International Anesthesia Research Society (IARS) is a nonpolitical, not-for-profit medical society founded in 1922 to advance and support scientific research and education related to anesthesia, and to improve patient care through research. The IARS contributes more than $1 million annually to fund anesthesia research; provides a forum for anesthesiology leaders to share information and ideas; maintains a worldwide membership of physicians, health professionals in anesthesia-related practice, and physician residents and others with doctoral degrees; sponsors the SmartTots initiative; and publishes the monthly Anesthesia & Analgesia journal in print and online as well as the clinical companion journal A&A Practice, published semi-monthly.
About the Journals
Anesthesia & Analgesia (A&A) is the flagship journal of the International Anesthesia Research Society. A&A is published monthly to benefit current and future patients under the care of professionals engaged in the disciplines broadly related to anesthesiology, such as perioperative medicine, critical care, and pain management. The journal furthers patient care by reporting the fundamental advances in the sciences of these clinical disciplines and by documenting the clinical, administrative, and educational advances that guide therapy. Each issue features peer-reviewed articles on the latest advances in drugs, perioperative care, preoperative preparation, patient monitoring, pain management, patient safety and many other timely topics.
A&A Practice publishes high-quality case reports with a focus on important teaching points, novel educational tools, and innovative solutions regarding patient safety, pain, quality and performance improvement, and global health management issues. All Echo Rounds and Echo Didactics articles publish exclusively in A&A Practice.
International Anesthesia Research Society