IARS 2013 Best of Meeting Abstract Award Finalists
+2-Acetylcyclopentanone (2-ACP), A 1,3-Dicarbonyl Enol, Provides Hepatoprotection in A Mouse Model of Acetaminophen Toxicity
Boleslav Kosharskyy, MD
Montefiore Medical Center Albert Einstein Medical College
Bronx, New York
A Study of the Functional Connectivity of the Insula and the Anterior Cingulate Gyrus During Pain Processing
Kevin B. Taylor, MS
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Cognitive Outcome After Spinal Anesthesia in Infancy
Robert Williams, MD
Vermont Children’s Hospital
University of Vermont Burlington, Vermont
Cost-Consequence Analysis of Troponin T Screening on the Detection of Perioperative Myocardial Ischemia
Giovanna Lurati Buse, MD, MSc
University Hospital of Basel
Basel, Switzerland
Isoflurance Post-Treatment Ameliorates Germinal Matrix Hemorrhage-Induced Brain Injury By Activating The Sphingosine Kinase/AKT Pathway in Neonatal Rats
Arthur Leitzke, MD
Loma Linda University
Loma Linda, California
Neuronal Gamma Protein Kinase C Mediates Remote Cardioprotection in Rats
Eric R. Gross, MD, PhD
Stanford University
Stanford, California
International Anesthesia Research Society