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The Daily Dose • Thursday, March 20, 2025

IARS 2024-2025 International Outreach Travel Grant Interview: Gerald Kirenga, MD, MMED

Prevalence and Interrelationship of Insomnia and Depression among Medical Students at the UMST

Gerald KirengaGerald Kirenga, MD, MMED
Clinical Lecturer, Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Rwanda
Gikondo Campus
Kigali, Rwanda

As a busy clinician interacting with medical students on rotations, Gerald Kirenga, MD, MMED, began to observe high levels of stress and mental health challenges faced by medical students while completing the medical curriculum. A clinical lecturer and postdoctoral fellow at University of Rwanda Gikondo Campus in Kigali, Rwanda, Dr. Kirenga sought to discover the root causes and scale of this issue within the medical student population, hoping to advocate for solutions to address these obstacles for medical students. His initial research addressed this very topic, discovering how widespread insomnia and depression are, and how they often go hand-in-hand. Over time, his investigations into this topic have evolved to focus not only on the prevalence of these conditions but also on potential interventions and the long-term impacts on students’ careers and well-being. His passion for identifying remedies for these challenges and his research project on “Prevalence and Interrelationship of Insomnia and Depression among Medical Students at the UMST” were singled out for an IARS 2024-2025 International Outreach Travel Grant. His research findings will be available to view as a digital poster during the 2025 Annual Meeting, presented by IARS and SOCCA. Below, Dr. Kirenga shares how his research continues to evolve and how receiving this travel grant and attending the IARS meeting will affect his research and career.

View digital poster under e-Poster sessions on the 2025 meeting app.

1. For this research, I am…

Clinical Investigator and Supervisor

2. What drew you to this area of research? Has it evolved since your initial research project?

As a busy clinician interacting with medical students on rotations, coupled with a passion for mental health, the high levels of stress and mental health challenges faced by medical students has always stood out, attributed to the rigorous stress and mental demands of the medical curriculum which leads to significant mental and physical drain.

My initial research project aimed to identify the scale of these issues within the medical student population. The findings underscored just how widespread insomnia and depression are, and how they often go hand-in-hand. Since then, my work has evolved to focus not only on the prevalence of these conditions but also on potential interventions and the long-term impacts on students’ careers and well-being. Over time, I’ve come to realize that addressing mental health concerns in medical students requires more than just academic awareness; it necessitates systemic changes in both university policies and how medical programs approach student wellness.

3. What are the goals you most want to accomplish in your work with this research project?

The primary goal of my research is to bring attention to the mental health challenges faced by medical students, particularly the co-occurrence of insomnia and depression. By establishing a clear understanding of how these two conditions intersect, I hope to shed light on their impact — not only on students’ academic performance but also on their long-term well-being.

Other specific goals include:

  1. Identifying prevalence and risk factors of insomnia and depression within medical student populations;
  2. Understanding the interrelationship between insomnia and depression, we see that insomnia can exacerbate depressive symptoms and vice versa;
  3. Highlighting the consequences that go beyond the classroom such as chronic fatigue, cognitive impairment, burnout and even career derailment;
  4. Recommending practical solutions that lead to tangible changes within medical schools and universities like integration of mental health support services; and
  5. Raising awareness and reducing stigma of mental health issues in the medical community especially in high-pressure fields like anesthesia.

4. What is the potential impact of your research on the field of anesthesia and patient care?

Medical students including those in anesthesia are not immune to the stresses, sleep disturbances and mental-health challenges that are being studied in this context as it has direct impact in the following ways:

  1. Anesthesia providers’ performances given the fact that they work in high-stress environments where cognitive precision, emotional resilience, and clear decision making are crucial for safe anesthesia practice;
  2. Reducing risk of burnout in healthcare professionals as it has become apparent that issues like insomnia and depression are precursors to burnout;
  3. Improved mental health support within medical training programs, leading to more well, prepared, resilient professionals;
  4. The influence on patient safety is undeniable as insomnia and depression have a ripple effect on the quality of patient care provided;
  5. By encouraging wellness-centered approaches in anesthesia training such as self-care, stress management, and mental health awareness as part of the training.

5. How do you feel about receiving the IARS International Outreach Travel Grant?

I am deeply honored and grateful to have received the IARS International Outreach Travel Grant. This grant is not only a recognition of the hard work and dedication I’ve put into my research, but it also provides a unique opportunity to expand the scope of my work and collaborate with other professionals and researchers in the field.

Receiving this grant has further motivated me to explore the intersection of mental health and medical training. It feels encouraging to know that my research is being acknowledged on an international platform, and it pushes my resolve to push forward with my work to improve mental well-being of medical students locally and worldwide.

6. How will this grant affect your research and professional trajectory?

The IARS International Outreach Travel Grant is a pivotal milestone in my academic and professional journey. It has not only provided financial support but also opens doors for a wealth of new opportunities and collaborations that will undoubtedly shape the future of my research and career. Having the ability to attend an international conference with experts in the field will significantly improve my visibility while enhancing my research opportunities with global insights.

I expect to meet mentors that will help me expand my research to reflect the current trends and interventions in the field. I expect to meet and learn about how various countries and institutions are addressing mental health within medical schools, looking out for new solutions and interventions that can be applied in my research.

In addition to enhancing professional development to broaden my network, this travel grant will open pathways for leadership roles in this niche field, further opportunities for research funding, academic publications and even policy influence. Lastly but not least, it will contribute to systemic change by advocating for improved mental health resources and support systems for medical students. This could lead to long-term benefits in both medical education and patient care by fostering a healthier, more resilient generation of healthcare providers.

7. What are the benefits of presenting your research at the IARS Annual Meeting?

Presenting my research at the IARS Annual Meeting is a tremendous opportunity offering me personal growth and development, after meeting with leading field experts, gaining feedback, expanding professional network, enhancing my research visibility and credibility, learning from cutting-edge research and trends, increasing my opportunities for future collaboration, and professional growth and confidence in public speaking, presenting complex data and engaging with a wide audience as a researcher.

8. Is there anyone else you wish to acknowledge as part of this research team?

Yes. I would like to acknowledge the medical student that helped collect this data as part of her thesis presentation, as well as the over 200 students that responded positively to the questionnaire.

9. Outside of your research, what might someone be surprised to learn about you?

Outside of my research and academia, which consume a significant portion of my time, I love to go out, hanging out with friends as something that keeps me grounded and energized. Traveling and long weekend drives to anywhere with nature views is calming, or just spending time with my family doing absolutely nothing, time considered as part of nourishing my other parts of life which help me bring perspectives and energy back to my work.

“The IARS International Outreach Travel Grant is a pivotal milestone in my academic and professional journey. It has not only provided financial support but also opens doors for a wealth of new opportunities and collaborations that will undoubtedly shape the future of my research and career. Having the ability to attend an international conference with experts in the field will significantly improve my visibility while enhancing my research opportunities with global insights.”

– Gerald Kirenga, MD, MMED, IARS 2024-2025 International Outreach Travel Grant Recipient